May 3, 2024

MyLaptopStand – An ongoing discussion

Purchase here.

The item is listed as:

Executive Office Solutions Portable Adjustable Aluminum Laptop Desk/Stand/Table Vented w/CPU Fans Mouse Pad Side Mount-Notebook-MacBook-Light Weight Ergonomic TV Bed Lap Tray Stand Up/Sitting-Black



Many of you have seen me use this stand at Starbucks or another coffee shop.

Yes, I admit, and as you all have said, it is a bit of an unusual setup.

But it’s ergonomic. 

By the way, since I started linking mylaptopstand back to Amazon, there have been many “copy cat” models developed and which you may see in the listings. 

I took a quick look, and they all seem about the same. You’ll have to pick-and-choose on your own, thinking about what exactly you may need your laptop stand to do for you.

So feel free to click on the affiliate links on this page. So if you do decide to buy the laptop stand, please use the links to support my efforts.