May 4, 2024

StreXercise Movements Vol 1 Video Project Stage 1 Uploaded


This is a production just finished for

The StreXercise movements presented in this video cover core training.

Each move can be expanded to three levels of training simply by adjusting the Double-Pulley Machine from a High, Middle to Low setting.

Each pulley adjustment shifts the StreXercise impacting different anatomical regions.

Since the weight settings for each movement is user dependent, 15 to 25 repetitions should be the guide as to how much resistance to apply during the training.

Since the affected muscles range in capability, adjust weight resistance to accommodate all muscles. This will allow less used muscle systems to catch up to the more commonly used muscles used more frequently. This the power of using variable resistance pulley based machines. Proper application of the amount of resistance, allows all regions of the muscles involved to perform at optimum capacity. Each strengthening, eventually performing symbiotically with the more frequently used regions.

Now, if I can get my son to produce a video of his own that would be something. :).

This is a compilation of ten StreXercise movements.

Equipment: Life Fitness – Double Pulley Machine

A narrated version of these movements where the focus and emphasis points are for these movements will follow in other videos.

Video Index

Title/Producer Logo: (00:04)
StreXercise Movements Vol. 1 Demonstrated by Michael Uribe

Shoulder Rotations (High Pulley) (00:11)
Form: Side Stance, Upright Posture, Neutral Head/Neck, Taut Torso
Pulley: High (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Overhead Arm Extensions with Low Cross Over (Outside Arm) (00:40)
Form: Side Stance, Palm In, Taut Torso, Neutral Head/Neck
Pulley: High (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Overhead Arm Extensions with Low Cross Over (Inside Arm) (01:05)
Form: Side Stance, Inside Arm, Palm Out, Taut Torso, Neutral Head/Neck
Pulley: High (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Overhead Arm Extensions (Outside Arm)(High Pulley) (01:37)
Form: Side Stance, Palm In/Out, Taut Torso, Neutral Head/Neck
Pulley: High (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Overhead Arm Extensions (Outside Arm)(Low Pulley) (01:55)
Form: Side Stance, Palm In/Out, Ridged Torso, Neutral Head/Neck
Pulley: Low (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Forward Reaches (Low Pulley) (2:15)
Form: Front Facing, Rotate Wrist, Bend Knees, Taut Torso, Forward Leaning
Pulley: Low (Low, Middle & High)

Lunged Arm Extensions (Outside Arm)(Palm In) (02:41)
Form: Side Stance, Lunge Shifts, Palm In, Alt Chest/Floor Level Pulls
Pulley: Low (Alt: Low, Middle & High)

Full Body Extensions (Palms Up)(High Pulley)(02:51)
Form: Front Facing, Knee Stabilized, Palms Up, Taut Torso, Narrow Elbows
Pulley: High (Alt: Middle & High)

Backward Arm Press (High Pulley)(03:13)
Form: Away Facing, Knees, Open Chest, Shoulder/Scapula Region Engaged
Pulley: High (Alt: Middle & High)

Forward Chest Backward Arm Passthrough Press (High Pulley)(03:43)
Form: Away Facing, Chest Open, Shoulder/Scapula Engaged, Taut Torso
Pulley: High (High)

Floor Straddle StreXercise (Low Pulley)(04:06)
Form: Facing, Hips & Chest Forward, Legs Apart, Elongated Neutral Core
Pulley: Low (Low)

Floor Hurdle StreXercise (Low Pulley)(04:23)
Form: Facing, Hips & Chest Outward, Alternate Leading Leg, Upright Core
Pulley: Low (Low)

Floor Pike StreXercise (Low Pulley)(04:38)
Form: Facing, Legs Neutral Slightly Apart, Torso/Shoulders Elongated
Pulley: Low (Low)

Floor Hurdle StreXercise (Low Pulley)(04:48)
Form: Facing, Hips & Chest Outward, Alternate Leading Leg, Upright Core
Pulley: Low (Low)

Floor Butterfly StreXercise (Low Pulley)(04:56)
Form: Facing, Hips & Chest Outward, Legs Bent, Feet Together, Neutral Core
Pulley: Low (Low)

Floor Tuck StreXercise (Low) (05:03)
Form: Facing, Torso/Shoulders/Head/Neck Arms Neutral Elongated
Pulley: Low (Low)

End Credits (05:10)
© 2021
Produced by Michael Uribe